Palestinian Muse

A person can only be born in one place. However, he may die several times elsewhere: in the exiles and prisons, and in a homeland transformed by the occupation and oppression into a nightmare.” –Mahmoud Darwish

A Last Chance for Identity: Journey to the Middle East (A Series)

It’s 11:15am on a Saturday morning and I’m at the nail salon. I casually check my voice messages from the week. I hear a voice message from a woman asking me to join a social justice delegation to Palestine. What this woman and many others may have not realized, was that Palestine was my last…

Breathe and Exhale

I always assumed that the best writers only write stories of anguish, pain, disappointments. Maybe because all the greatest books I’ve read, came from a place of darkness where characters would live out their worst fears and desire to change. I remember a time when I only wrote when I was unhappy or lost or…

Why you should fall in love with yourself

The fault in dating today is explained in one phrase: “We are constantly trying to convince someone to fall in love with us.” In our distant, social media era, we thrive on people accepting us with indefinite love and obsession. We lack the ability to understand the common stages of acceptance, lust, like, and then…

Why “American” Doesn’t Fit my Checkbox

You grab a drink at a bar and a guy looks towards your way. He immediately walks over to ask you where you’re from. You reply with the most basic answer, “New York City.” He wants a deeper answer. You begin to wonder: Are his politics aligned with yours?, is he an extravagant prideful American?…


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